ChatGPT AI for Google Sheets™ and Docs™ AI Tools Excel and Sheets Custom Functions

ChatGPT AI for Google Sheets™ and Docs™ AI Tools Excel and Sheets Custom Functions

GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ is an AI writer for Google Sheets™ and Google Docs™. It enables you to use ChatGPT directly in Google Sheets™ and Docs™. It is built on top OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3 and GPT-4 models. You can use it for all sorts of tasks on text: writing, editing, extracting, cleaning, translating, summarizing, outlining, explaining, etc If ChatGPT was GPT for Chat, you can think of GPT for Sheets™ as SheetGPT. The default model for all functions is now ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo. Other base models can be chosen, including GPT-4 if you have access.

ChatGPT AI offers custom functions for Excel and Sheets that can help streamline your work. Get the support you need without any hassle.

Website: (learn how to use GPT for work) How to set up: Video tutorials: Mentioned by Marc Andreessen as a “killer app”:

ChatGPT in Google Sheets™ and Docs™. Get the full power of AI for inspiration data cleaning, classification, extraction, translation, edition, summarization, writing directly in your Sheets™ and Docs™


Works with:
Google Docs
Google Sheets

GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ is an AI writer for Google Sheets™ and Google Docs™. It enables you to use ChatGPT directly in Google Sheets™ and Docs™. It is built on top OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3 and GPT-4 models. You can use it for all sorts of tasks on text: writing, editing, extracting, cleaning, translating, summarizing, outlining, explaining, etc
If ChatGPT was GPT for Chat, you can think of GPT for Sheets™ as SheetGPT.

The default model for all functions is now ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo.
Other base models can be chosen, including GPT-4 if you have access.

Website: (learn how to use GPT for work)
How to set up:
Video tutorials:

Mentioned by Marc Andreessen as a “killer app”:

The possibilities of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and GPT-3 in your documents are almost endless.

This add-on brings ChatGPT and GPT-3’s AI power to Google Sheets™ by exposing many simple custom functions:
GPT to get the result of ChatGPT in a single cell
GPT_LIST to get multiple result in a column (one item per cell)
GPT_TABLE to get a table of items from a prompt
GPT_FILL to fill a range from examples
GPT_FORMAT to sanitize your spreadsheet data into the same format
GPT_EXTRACT to extract entities from your Sheets™ data
GPT_EDIT to edit your spreadsheet content
GPT_SUMMARIZE to summarize your spreadsheet content
GPT_CLASSIFY to classify spreadsheet content into a single category
GPT_TAG to apply tags to your spreadsheet content
GPT_TRANSLATE to translate your spreadsheet content
GPT_CONVERT to convert from table to csv to html to json to xml, etc
GPT_MAP to map values from two columns

This add-on will help you achieve some tasks such as:
– generating blogposts ideas
– writing whole paragraphs or procedures
– cleaning up lists of names, adresses, emails or companies, dates, currency amounts, phone numbers
– classifying lists of reviews with sentiment analysis or feature categorization
– summarizing reviews
– writing responses to online comments
– trying different versions of a prompt quickly
– working on ad copy (PPC, Google ads, Facebook ads)
– working on SEO metadata (titles, descriptions)
– working on landing page copy
– managing and cleaning product catalogs for e-commerce stores (Shopify and Amazon)
– translations

– outlining a piece of content
– expanding a piece of content
– writing emails or blogs
– summarizing notes
– translating content
– changing the style of content

In addition, this add-on will let you experiment easily with hyperparameters:
– temperature
– model (including fine-tuned models in Sheets™)
– maxTokens

This add-on is completely free to use. You only need to pay OpenAI’s API cost. You will need to insert your OpenAI api key. This is not covered by ChatGPT Plus/Pro subscriptions.
All the details are on our website:

Please note that we recommend you write your letters to your grandmother by yourself with pen and paper, the slides are just provided as a cheeky examples of what can be achieved with this tool 🙂

This product is brought to you by, maker of YAMM, Form Publisher and Awesome Table, which are some of the most popular add-ons of the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Talarian is not affiliated with OpenAI


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ChatGPT in Google Sheets™ and Docs™. Get the full power of AI for inspiration data cleaning, classification, extraction, translation, edition, summarization, writing directly in your Sheets™ and Docs™

Works with:

Write%2Bcopy%252C%2Btaglines%252C%2Btitles 1

1. Configure your API key in Google Sheets:
– Follow the prerequisites to create your openAI API key
– Configure your API key in Google Sheets by launching the sidebar

  • Hello human, I am a GPT powered AI chat bot. Ask me anything!

AI thinking ...


2. Configure your API key in Google Docs:
– Follow the prerequisites to create your openAI API key
– Configure your API key in Google Docs by setting the API key

3. Troubleshooting multiple Google accounts:
– If you encounter an error with multiple Google accounts, create a dedicated Chrome profile
– Configure your API key in a new sheet or document in the dedicated Chrome profile

4. Get started with GPT for Sheets and Docs:
– Try typing =GPT(“say hello”) in a cell to get a response from GPT
– Launch the sidebar to start using GPT in Google Docs