Before the end of this party, few people will change their lives.
By the time this party is finished, three people’s lives will be changed forever.
In three days, four lives will be torn apart.
By the end of the party, five lives will be broken.
But most of all, five relationships will be ended.
The party will be over.
The reality of the lives of the people left behind will finally start to sink in.
In one of my first college classes I was struggling with a book report.
It was one of those assignments where the answer was so simple but I just couldn’t figure out how to express it in a short enough piece to get an A. The teacher, Mr. W., finally sat down with me and walked me through the process.
In the end, I ended up with an A.
The last lesson I learned in Mr. W’s class was the power of the Serenity Prayer.
The idea is simple: when we are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, we can pray “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
When we pray that prayer, we are inviting God to make the decisions for us.
When we pray it, we are taking responsibility for our own actions.
When we do this, we are in effect, telling God,”I trust you with my life and my actions.
I accept whatever happens as a part of my life.
I trust you.”
It is such a simple concept.
It is simple and it works.
When you are faced with a difficult decision or difficult situation, stop and think about what your words to God are.
What are you asking for?
And then, pray it.
Do it.
Do it right now.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
I have experienced this prayer work in my life many times.
On more than one occasion I have been faced with a difficult decision or difficult situation.
When I have felt overwhelmed, anxious, or fearful, I have prayed the prayer.
And I have been surprised at the simplicity of the request.
“I am sorry, but I cannot change these things.
I cannot change my circumstances.
I cannot change the decisions that have been made.
I cannot change the path of my life.
“”I accept what is, and I will change the things I can, and I will let go of the things I can not change.
Guide me.”
I think that sometimes we get so caught up in the things that we cannot control, we forget that we can change the things we can.
We can choose our attitude, our thought processes, our actions.
We can choose to look at the things we cannot change and accept them for what they are.
We can choose to look for the gifts and blessings in the things we cannot change.
And when we do this, we become empowered to make the changes we need to make to change the things we can.
I think that sometimes we get so caught up in the things that we cannot control, we forget that we can change the things we can.
I think that sometimes we get so caught up in the things that we cannot control, we forget that we can change the things we can.