650 Power Words That Drives Conversions Most of them were generated by TTW
650 Power Words from TalkToWalle
Greed Words
Greed is the natural human tendency to want more stuff than we actually need.
These power words can trigger that tendency by playing on scarcity and loss aversion, or simply by making something sound more valuable.
Bargain Before Best Big Billion Bonanza Bonus Cash Cheap Deadline Discount Dollar Don’t miss out Double Economical Exclusive Expires Explode Extra Fast Feast Final First Fortune | Frenzy Frugal Gift Giveaway Greatest Guilt-free Hurry Inexpensive Instantly Jackpot Last chance Limited Luxurious Marked down Massive Monetize Money More Nest egg Never again New Now Pay zero Premiere | Price break Prize Profit Quadruple Quick Reduced Rich Running out Sale ends soon Save Savings Six-figure Skyrocket Soaring Special Surge Treasure Triple Ultimate Up-sell Value While they last Whopping |
Curiosity Words
According to curiosity-driven theory, curiosity is a naturally occurring urge that simply must be satisfied, similar to how we satisfy hunger by eating or thirst by drinking.
These power words will make your blog post headlines, email subject lines and landing page headlines impossible to resist.
Astonishing Backdoor Banned Be the first Become an insider Behind the scenes Bizarre Black market Blacklisted Bootleg Censored Class full Classified Closet Concealed Confessions Confidential Controversial Cover-up Covert Crazy Cringeworthy Dark Elusive Extraordinary Eye-opening Forbidden Forgotten Hidden Hilarious | Hush-hush Illegal Illusive Incredibly Insane Insider Interesting Invitation only Key Limited Little-known Login required Lost Members only Myths Odd Off the record Off-limits On the QT Outlawed Priceless Private Privy Psycho Remote Restricted Ridiculous Secret Secrets Shh! | Shocking Smuggled Sneak peek Spoiler Strange Stunning Supersecret Thought-provoking Top secret Trade secret Unauthorized Unbelievable Uncharted Unconventional Under the table Under wraps Underground Undiscovered Unexplained Unexplored Unheard of Unique Unlock Unsung Untold Unusual Wacky Withheld Zany |
Sloth Words
Sloth is the avoidance of work: people are not motivated to do more than the absolute minimum work to achieve their online aims.
Use these power words to make your lead magnets sound more digestible, to make your products sound more useful, and to make your headlines more enticing.
Accessible All-inclusive Basic Building blocks Cheat sheet Child’s play Cinch Clear Complete Components Comprehensive Copy Downloadable Easy Economical Efficient Effortless Elementary Elements Factors Fail-proof Fill in the blanks Formula Free | Freebie Gift Guide How-to In less than In record time Index Ingredients Instant Itemized Kickstart Light List Manageable Manifest Mere Minutes Model Mold No nonsense No problem No sweat Nothing to it Now | On demand Painless Pattern Picnic Piece of cake Plain Printable Quick Ready Replicate Report Roadmap Simple Simple as ABC Smooth Smooth sailing Snap Straightforward Steal Steps Swipe Template Tools Uncomplicated |
Lust Words
Lust is usually thought of as sexual, but it’s actually just an intense desire for any item. When we lust after something, we crave it so badly that we stop thinking rationally.
Use these tantalizing power words to amplify that craving.
Alluring Brazen Captivating Charismatic Compelling Crave Depraved Desire Dirty Enchanting Engaging Exotic Exposed Fascinating Flirt Forbidden Hypnotic Intriguing | Lascivious Lick Lonely Lovely Lust Magnetic Mind-blowing Mischievous Mouthwatering Naked Naughty Obsession Passionate Pleasurable Promiscuous Provocative Riveting Scandalous Sensual | Sex Shameless Sinful Sleazy Sleeping Spank Steamy Stimulating Striking Sweaty Tantalizing Tawdry Tease Thrilling Uncensored Urge Wanton Whip Wild |
Vanity Words
You may not think of yourself as “vain”, however, researchers have found that vanity is one of the chief driving forces that lead to purchase decisions.
The fact is, we buy into things because of how we think they will make us look: both to others, and to ourselves. And it’s not just that we want to look good physically, but we also want to look successful.
Use these power words to show how your offer (whether it’s a product, service, or lead magnet) will make your visitor look more attractive and more successful.
Ahead of the game Amazing Amplify At the top Attractive Awe-inspiring Beautiful Bold Booming Boost Boss Brassy Bravery Brazen Bright Brilliant Cheer Clever Conquer Courage Crowned Daring Dazzling Defiance Drop-dead Effective | Elegant Elite Enchant Epic Fearless Fortunate Foxy Genius Good-looking Gorgeous Guts Handsome Hero Jaw-dropping Jubilant Kick ass Knockout Legendary Lucky Magic Mind-blowing Moneymaking Notable Noteworthy Optimal Prosperous | Quick-witted Remarkable Sassy Saucy Sensational Smart Spectacular Spine Staggering Strong Stunning Successful Super-human Triumph Turbo charge Ultimate Unbeaten Undefeated Valor Vanquish Victory Wealthy Wonderful Wondrous You |
Trust Words
Have you ever stopped to think that trust is really what content and email marketing is all about?
Whether you are writing blog posts, creating signup forms, sending emails, or tweaking your product pages, the real purpose behind all of that is to build trust between the consumer and your brand.
Use these power words to speed up the trust-building process.
According to Accredited Anonymous Approved Authentic Authoritative Authority Backed Because Best Best selling Bona fide Cancel anytime Case study Certified Dependable Don’t worry Endorsed | Ensured Expert Fully refundable Genuine Guaranteed Improved Ironclad Lifetime Moneyback No obligation No questions asked No risk No strings attached Official Pay zero Privacy Professional Protected | Proven Recession-proof Recognized Refund Reliable Research Results Safety Scientifically proven Secure Studies show Tested Track record Try before you buy Unconditional Verify Well respected Worldwide |
Anger Words
Anger has a huge influence on our perception, reasoning, and decisions. It makes us irrational, which can lead to choices that actually have no bearing on the thing that initially made us angry.
Stirring up the emotion of anger in your visitors and customers is a bad idea, when it is targeted at your company. However, it can also work for you, if the anger is directed at something else.
Think about what makes your prospect angry about your industry. Stir up those emotions with these power words, and then provide the solution.
Abuse Agitate Annoy Arrogant Ass kicking B.S. Backstabbing Beat down Boil over Broke Brutal Buffoon Bullshit Bully Corrupt Coward Crooked Crush Diatribe Diminish Disgusting Evil Exploit Fear | Force-fed Foul Greedy Hate Hostile Know it all Lies Loathsome Loser Lying Maul Miff Money-grubbing Morally bankrupt Nazi No Good Obnoxious Payback Pitiful Pound Preposterous Provoke Punish Raise hell | Rant Revolting Ruthless Screw Sick and Tired Smug Sneaky Sniveling Snob Snooty Snotty Stink Stuck up Thug Underhanded Vicious Victim Violent Waste Weak Worst Wounded |
Fear Words
Fear is perhaps the most powerful motivator of all. It’s that primal instinct that keeps us safe, that keeps us alive.
If you want to inspire your readers to take action–whether that’s sharing your blog post, downloading your lead magnet, or buying your product–use these power words to make them fearful of what might happen if they don’t.
(Just make sure you don’t completely paralyze them with fear: also provide an actionable solution to their problem.)
Agony Annihilate Apocalypse Armageddon Assault Backlash Beating Beware Blinded Blood Bloodbath Bloodcurdling Bloody Bomb Bufoon Bumbling Cadaver Cataclysmic Catastrophe Caution Collapse Corpse Crazy Cripple Crisis Danger Dangerous Deadly Death Destroy Devastating Disastrous Drowning Dumb Embarrass Epidemic Fail Feeble Fired | Fool Fooled Frantic Frightening Gambling Gullible Hack Hazardous Hoax Horrific Hurricane Insidious Invasion IRS Jail Jeopardy Lawsuit Looming Lunatic Lurking Meltdown Mired Mistake Murder Nightmare Painful Pale Panic Peril Piranha Pitfall Plague Played Plummet Plunge Poison Poor Prison | Pummel Pus Reckoning Refugee Revenge Risky Savage Scary Scream Searing Shatter Shellacking Silly Slaughter Slave Smash Strangle Stupid Suck Suffering Tailspin Tank Targeted Teetering Terror Terrorist Torture Toxic Tragedy Trap Trauma Vaporize Victim Volatile Vulnerable Warning Worry Wounded Wreaking havoc |