You mistook your phone for the therapist’s and now you receive weird calls all the time.
You mistook your phone for the therapist’s and now you receive weird calls all the time. Why don’t you just admit you need a therapist, instead of making these uncomfortable phone calls?
Why are you afraid to speak up and ask for help?
Why not go see someone, you look so bad and we’re all worried sick about you.
You need help, you just don’t know it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been there myself, for so many reasons.
They say they want you to find happiness, they say they want you to find a job and move on with your life, but you’re lying to yourself if you think they’re sincere.
They just don’t want to know that you’re down.
They’re probably worried about you.
They want to continue with the façade and not worry about you.
They want you to see a therapist, not for yourself, but so they can continue being carefree and accepting.
They’re selfish and they don’t care.
They just care about themselves. If you think you know the answer, all you have to do is ask.
Walk into a therapist’s office and ask for help, instead of letting the depression run you.
You are not alone, I’ve been there, we’ve all been there, but you need help.
It will be the best thing for you.
I just got done reading a book entitled, “For the Beauty of the Earth.”
It is a non – fiction biography of Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii written by Melvina E. Sanchez.
It is written in an intriguing way, that lets the reader get a sense of the history that took place in Hawaii before the overthrow of the kingdom and the consequent loss of an entire country.
I first thought this was a typical history book, but upon reading the introduction and summary, I realized it was much more than that.
The author tells us in the introduction how this was the only book she had ever read, and how it changed her life and the history of Hawaii.
She said it was one of the best histories she had ever read, and she was sorry she was the only one in her school who had ever read it.
She realized then, that her life would never be the same.
We are then given a long history of the Hawaiian government, the history of the Japanese who came to Hawaii to build the railroad, and how it became Americanized.
Her motivation for writing this book came from her granddaughter, who wanted her to write it.